the fair gds editor AutoScreenShotMacro

Auto Screen Shots

This macro will create a screen shot from each of your design and store it in a separate folder. Adjust line 7 and line 8 to the folders you want to use.

Download: autoScreenShots.layout

   1 #!/usr/bin/layout
   2 #name=screen shots
   3 #help=takes a screenshot of all gds files
   6 int main() {
   7   string designDir="/home/username/layouts";
   8   string outDir="/home/username/screenshots/";
   9   file f;
  10   int count=600;
  11   f.find(designDir,"*.gds");
  12   while (f.filename!=""){
  13     count++;
  14     layout->drawing->openFile(f.filename);
  15     string s; s.setNum(count);
  16     layout->drawing->saveScreenshot(outDir+s+".png");
  17     f.findNext();
  18   }
  20 }

See also


AutoScreenShotMacro (last edited 2011-12-21 13:49:47 by dslb-088-065-253-206)