A category is a WikiName that exploits WikiWiki's reverse linking: if you click on the title of a category page, you'll get a list of pages belonging to that category. To get a list of all categories, click the CategoryCategory title in the navigation area.
Here is a list of all pages containing the CategoryCategory wiki tag:
- CategoryBasicVersion
- CategoryCellMenu
- CategoryDesign
- CategoryDrawMenu
- CategoryFeature
- CategoryFileFormat
- CategoryFileFormatLayout
- CategoryFileFormatOther
- CategoryFileFormatSchematic
- CategoryFileMenu
- CategoryFreeRouting
- CategoryFullVersion
- CategoryGridMenu
- CategoryHelpMenu
- CategoryHomepage
- CategoryLayerMenu
- CategoryLayout
- CategoryLayout3d
- CategoryLibrary
- CategoryMacro
- CategoryMacroClass
- CategoryMacroClassBasic
- CategoryMode
- CategoryReducedVersion
- CategorySchematic
- CategorySchematicMode
- CategorySelectMenu
- CategoryTemplate
- CategoryTextEdit
- CategoryTutorial
- CategoryUtilityMenu
- CategoryVideo
- CategoryZoomMenu
To be consistent with the C2 category scheme, all categories start with the word "Category". For more information, see AboutCategoriesAndTopics.