the fair gds editor EPS

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

Encapsulated PostScript, or EPS, is a DSC-conforming PostScript document with additional restrictions intended to make EPS files usable as a graphics file format. In other words, EPS files are more-or-less self-contained, reasonably predictable PostScript documents that describe an image or drawing, that can be placed within another PostScript document. At a minimum, an EPS file contains a BoundingBox DSC comment, describing the rectangle containing the image described by the EPS file. Applications can use this information to lay out the page, even if they are unable to directly render the PostScript inside.

Using EPS in the LayoutEditor

The use of Encapsulated Postscript files by the LayoutEditor is limited to an export. Only visible layer in the current cell will be exported. Exported designs will be in real size except you set up a scale factor via the setup dialog. No centering is performed.

CategoryFileFormat CategoryFileFormatLayout

EPS (last edited 2010-11-26 09:25:48 by dslb-092-075-140-183)