the fair gds editor MacroClassComponents

Components Class Reference

A static class to handle all components. More...

See also: List of Classes

Detailed Description

a static class to handel all components

Member Function Documentation

static component * components::findComponent(string name,string lib="")

find a component

static component * components::newComponent(string name="New Component", string lib="")

creates a new component

static void components::addLib(string filename)

adds filename to the used libraries

static void components::removeLib(string filename)

removes filename from the used libraries

static stringList components::getLibs()

Returns list with all used libraries

static stringList components::getComponents(string lib)

Returns: list with all components in the libraries

static QString components::getFilename(string lib)

Returns: the filename with absolute path of the library. This function cannot be used for OpenAccess and internal libraries. (introduced with version 20120824)

static QString components::getPath(string lib)

Returns: the absolute path of the library. This function cannot be used for OpenAccess and internal libraries. (introduced with version 20120824)

See also


MacroClassComponents (last edited 2013-11-16 14:50:15 by JürgenThies)