the fair gds editor MacroClassElementList

ElementList Class Reference

A element of a list of drawing-elements. More...

See also: List of Classes

Detailed Description

This class is a list-element for the drawing-elements

Member Function Documentation

elementList* elementList::nextElement

A Pointer to the next drawing-element of the cell is returned.

Example: (loop over all shapes of the cell)

   1 elementList *el=layout->drawing->currentCell->firstElement;
   2 while (el!=NULL) {
   3    if (el->thisElement!=NULL){
   4       // e.g. el->thisElement->selectAll();
   5       // ...
   6    }
   7    el=el->nextElement;
   8 }

element* elementList::thisElement

A pointer to a drawing-element.

Obsolete Members

elementList* firstOnLayer(int layer)

A pointer to the first element with a shape on layer is returned. NULL is returned, if no more layer is on the given layer.

elementList* nextOnLayer(int layer)

A pointer to the next element with a shape on layer is returned. NULL is returned, if no more element is on the given layer.

Example: (loop over all shapes on layer 5)

   1 elementList *el=layout->drawing->currentCell->firstElement->firstOnLayer(5);
   2 while (el!=NULL) {
   3    // e.g. el->thisElement->selectAll();
   4    // ...
   5    el=el->nextOnLayer(5);
   6 }

See also


MacroClassElementList (last edited 2017-03-21 11:24:13 by JurgenThies)