the fair gds editor MacroClassIntList

IntList Class Reference

The intList class provides a list of integer numbers. More...

See also: List of Classes

Detailed Description

The intList class provides a list of integer numbers. In LayoutEditor C++ Macros this class is identical with an array of integer (int a[count];).

Member Function Documentation

intList::intList( )

creates a intList

(introduced with version 20170520)

intList::intList( intList list )

creates a intList with copied data from list

(introduced with version 20170520

void intList::append(int d)

Insert d at the end of the list.

int intList::at(int i)

Returns: integer at the postion i

bool intList::contains(int d)

Returns: true if the intList contains the number d. Otherwise false.

void intList::insert(int pos, int value)

value is added at position pos (introduced with version 20161005)

int intList::indexOf(int i, int index=0)

Returns: Returns the index position of the first occurrence of the integer i in this list, searching forward from index position from. Returns -1, if i is not found. (introduced with version 20130411)

int intList::removeAll(int d)

Removes all occurrences of d in the list and returns the number of entries removed.

void intList::removeAt(int pos)

position pos is removed from the list (introduced with version 20161005)

int intList::size()

Returns: number of integers in the list

void intList::set(int i, int d)

Sets the ith entry of the list to d. The first entry of the list starts with 0. It will have no effect, if the list did not have a size of i.

void intList::swap(int pos1, int pos2)

Swaps the value at pos1 and pos2 (introduced with version 20161005)

See also

CategoryMacroClass CategoryMacroClassBasic

MacroClassIntList (last edited 2017-05-22 07:50:56 by JurgenThies)