the fair gds editor MacroClassLayers

Layers Class Reference

Layer display setup class. More...

See also: layer, List of Classes

Detailed Description

This class is the global setup for the display of all layers. Each layer is identified by a number between 0 and 1024. The setup of a single layer can setup by the static public attribute num.

   1 layers::num[5].name="Layer Number 5";

The access from python to the static class layers is a bit different. Use number instead of num to access a single layer:

   1 pylayout.layers.showAllLayer()
   2 pylayout.layers.number(10).disable()
   3 pylayout.layers.number(9).name="layer nine"

The class layers can not be used as type.

Member Function Documentation

static void layers::disableAllLayer()

disables all layers

static int layers::displayedLayers

sets the maximum layers accessable in the userinterface (mainmenu and layer toolbar)

static void layers::disableUnusedLayers(drawingField *d)

Disables all layers not used in the current design

static void layers::enableAllLayer()

makes all layers enable

static int layers::findLayer(QString layerName)

Use this function to find the number of a layer. Parameter: layerName name of the wanted layer Returns: number of the layer if found, -1 if layerName is not found

static int layers::findLevel(int i)

Returns: the layer used for technology level i. If the level in not used -1 is returned. (introduced with version 20150128)

static int layers::globalVia()

Returns: the layer used for globel vias. If no global vias are used in the technology setup -1 is returned. (introduced with version 20150128)

static void layers::hideAllLayer()

makes all layer invisible

static void layers::hideCurrentUnusedLayers(drawingField *d)

Hide all layers not used in the current cell

static void layers::hideUnusedLayers(drawingField *d)

Hide all layers not used in the current design

static int layers::layerMax()

Returns: the number of layers in the LayoutEditor is returned.

static layer layers::num[layersMax]

Each layer can setup separately via the class layer. The layer-class can be accessed by this array.

Use 'number' instead in the python interface.

static int layers::maxLevel()

Returns: the number of technology levels used in the current setup. (introduced with version 20150128)

static void layers::reset3dView()

The 3D view of all layers is reset and turned off.

static void layers::showAllLayer()

makes all layer visible

static void layers::technologyLayerAdd(int layer,int type)

Set layer to a technology layer. If type is 1, the layer is a via. If type is 2 the layer is a conductor layer.

static int layers::technologyLayerConductorSize(int layer)

Returns: the conductor size, if layer is an conductor layer. Otherwise returns -1.

static int layers::technologyLayerConductorSpaceing(int layer)

Returns: the conductor spacing, if layer is an conductor layer. Otherwise returns -1.

static int layers::technologyLayerGetParameter(int layer,int parnum)

Returns: the parameter parnum of the technology parameter of layer (introduced with version 20141101)

static int layers::technologyLayerGetType(int layer)

Returns: returns the type of a layer. The returned values are identical to layers::technologyLayerSetParameter (introduced with version 20141101)

static void layers::technologyLayerRemoveAll()

The technology information of all layers is reseted.

static void layers::technologyLayerSetParameter(int layer,int parnum,int value)

Sets information to the technology layer.

static void layers::technologyLevelFrom3d()

extract the level/order of the technology layers (via/conductors) from the current 3d settings

See also


MacroClassLayers (last edited 2015-01-30 15:01:37 by JurgenThies)