OaInfo Class Reference
Provides OpenAccess related informations. More...
This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.
See also: List of Classes
Detailed Description
This class contains some methods giving information on the used OpenAccess library.
This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.
Member Function Documentation
static stringList oaInfo::getCellNames(string lib)
Returns: a list of all cell in the library
static string oaInfo::getLibName(string path)
Returns: the name of the given library. If empy it is no valid library.
stringList oaInfo::getViewNames(string lib,string cell)
Returns: a list of all view in the cell
static string oaInfo::getViewType(string lib,string cell,string view)
Returns: the type of the given cellview
static bool oaInfo::isLib(string name,string path)
Returns: true, if it is a valid openAccess library
static bool oaInfo::isLib(string path)
Returns: true, if path contains a valid openAccess library
static bool oaInfo::openAccess()
Returns: true, if OpenAccess is available.