the fair gds editor MacroClassSheet

Sheet Class Reference

A sheet. More...

See also: List of Classes

Detailed Description

This calls contains many methods for a macro controlled schematic generation. Methods using the classes QColor are only available in the LayoutEditor Python Module.

Member Function Documentation

sElement* sheet::addArc(pointArray p,int red, int green, int blue)

adds an arc to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addArc(pointArray p,QColor c)

adds a arc

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addBus(pointArray p)

adds a bus

sElement* sheet::addBusPort(point p,string text)

adds a bus port

sElement* sheet::addCircle(point p1,QPoint p2,int red, int green, int blue)

adds a circle to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addCircle(point p1,point p2,QColor c)

adds a circle

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addGround(point p)

adds a ground

sElement* sheet::addPlacement(string name,string lib, point pos, strans trans_)

adds a placement of a component

sElement* sheet::addPlacement(component *, point pos, strans trans_)

adds a placement of a component

sElement* sheet::addPort(point p,string text)

adds a port

sElement* sheet::addPolyline(pointArray p,int red, int green, int blue)

adds a polyline to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addPolyline(pointArray p,QColor c)

adds a polyline

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addPolygon(pointArray p,int red, int green, int blue)

adds a polygon to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addPolygon(pointArray p,QColor c)

adds a polygon

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addRect(point p1,QPoint p2,int red, int green, int blue)

adds a rectangle to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addRect(point p1,point p2,QColor c)

adds a rectangle

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addText(point p,int red, int green, int blue, QString textt)

adds a text to the sheet. (introduced with version 20151028)

sElement* sheet::addText(point p,QColor c,string text)

adds a text

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addWire(pointArray p)

adds a wire

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

sElement* sheet::addWireLabel(point p)

adds a wire label at the point p

This feature is only part of the LayoutEditor Python Module.

bool sheet::existsDevicename(string name)

Returns: true, if a device with name exist. If it not exists, it returns false.

sElementList* sheet::firstElement

This is a list of all elements in this sheet.

sElement * sheet::getDevice(string name)

Returns: a point to the device with name. If it not exists, it returns NULL.

string sheet::getUnusedDevicename(string prefix)

Returns: an unused devicename with the given prefix. (introduced with version 20151028)

string sheet::sheetName

The name of this sheet

See also


MacroClassSheet (last edited 2015-10-28 16:49:03 by JürgenThies)