Features of the SchematicEditor
The SchematicEditor is included in any version of the LayoutEditor. Its features are voluminous. If you search a specific feature, you may also use the FindPage. Some core features are:
All SchematicEditor Features
A list of all features which are part of the SchematicEditor:
- About
- AboutOpenAccess
- AddComponentLibrary
- AddLibrary
- Arc-Mode
- Arc_
- Bus
- BusMode
- BusPort
- BusPortMode
- Circle-Mode
- Circle_
- ComponentInfo
- CopyToClipboard
- CopyToLayout
- DeleteSheet
- EditComponent
- EditItem
- EditMode
- Ground
- GroundMode
- LabelNode
- LabelNodeMode
- Line
- LineMode
- NewComponent
- NewSheet
- OpenFile
- OpenLayoutWindow
- PasteFromClipboard
- PlaceComponent
- Polygon-Mode
- Polygon_
- Port
- PortMode
- ProbeMode
- Quit
- RectMode
- Rectangle
- RemoveLibrary
- Save
- SaveAs
- SaveAsSave
- SchematicFeatureTemplate
- SchematicModeTemplate
- Screenshot
- SelectComponent
- SetColor
- SetSheetName
- SetZoomMode
- SetupDialog
- Text-Mode
- Text_
- UseAsComponent
- Wire
- WireMode
- ZoomFitAll
- ZoomIn
- ZoomInOut
- ZoomOut