the fair gds editor MacroClassPlotData

PlotData Reference

This class provides functions to handel simulation results and convert it into different formats. More...

See also: List of Classes

Detailed Description

The LayoutEditor does not include a simulation tool. So so for a interactive probing inside the SchematicEditor the simulation data is required. This data is set with setProbeMode in any macro. After chooseing a node or device or port a plot macro is executed which will handel the display of the results. Inside the plot macro the data can be received with iPlot

(introduced with version 20141229)

Member Function Documentation

void plotData::setSource(string filename,string type)

Sets the filename and type of the simulation results. Supported type are ngspice, ltspice and qucs (all ascii encoded).

string plotData::source()

Returns: the files name of the simulation results.

string plotData::sourceType()

Returns: the type of the simulation results data.

void plotData::setPlotTool(string plotTool)

Can be used to set the macro to display the results. If nothing is set the last used plot macro is used. Inside the ProbeMode the plot macro can also be changed by the user.

string plotData::plotTool()

Returns: the choosen plot macro file name

void plotData::setPortMapping(string netlistType)

Sets the netlist format used for mapping of port names of used devices.

string plotData::mappedPort(string port)

Returns: the mapped port name. e.g. for a transistor in spice/LTSpice devicename:port will return Ic(short_devicename) for the collector port.

string plotData::nodeName()

Returns: the name of the choosen node if a node was selected in the probe mode.

string plotData::deviceName()

Returns: the name of the choosen device if a device was selected in the probe mode.

string plotData::portName()

Returns: the name of the choosen device port if it was selected in the probe mode.

void plotData::readSource()

Loads the simulation data into the LayoutEditor. This is the requirement for all other methods in this class accessing the simulation data like writeData().

bool plotData::dataRead()

Returns: true if the simulation data was already read by a previous call.

void plotData::writeData(string filename, string format, intList items)

stores prior loaded simulation data into another format. filename is the output file name. supported file formats are:

  • array tabulator separated data array,

  • cvs comma separated values as specified in the SetupDialog,

  • cvseurope semecolon separated values using a "," as decimal sign.

If items is empty all existing data is stored. If it contains data row numbers only these data rows will be saved.

int plotData::items()

Returns: the number of loaded data rows

doubleList iplotData::temData(int)

Returns: a single data row

string plotData::itemTitle(int)

Returns: the item title

string plotData::itemNativeTitle(int)

Returns: the item title as used in the simulation data file. It can be identical with iTemTitle if no native name exists.

string itemUnit(int)

Returns: the units of the data row. Empty if the simulation datat not contains the units.

int plotData::findItem()

Returns: the data row of the choosen node or device or port. -1 is return if the data row is not found.

int plotData::findItemTitle(string title)

Returns: the number of the row with the given title.

void plotData::setError(string error)

Sets an error message which is displayed after completing the plot macro.

See also


MacroClassPlotData (last edited 2014-12-31 09:42:57 by JürgenThies)