the fair gds editor CategoryFullVersion

full version

Full Version

full version The full version is required to enable all sophisticated features of the LayoutEditor.

Range of Use: creating/editing of complex design (all areas), schematic driven layout, complex format conversions, design checks.

License: It is licensed under a Fair End User License Agreement. License keys can be purchase at juspertor for a fair fee.

Features of the LayoutEditor are very comprehensive. If you search a specific feature, you may also use the FindPage or Feature Overview. The SchematicEditor is included in this version and has its own documentation.

Core Features

dot.png BackgroundImage
dot.png Barcode
dot.png BooleanTools
dot.png DesignRuleChecker
dot.png ElectricalExtraction
dot.png EditInPlace
dot.png File Formats

dot.png Macros/Scripting
dot.png Schematic
dot.png Snapping
dot.png Text
dot.png Translation
dot.png 3D View

Features by Menu

dot.png File
dot.png Select
dot.png Zoom
dot.png Cell

dot.png Draw
dot.png Layer
dot.png Utilities
dot.png Help

Some feature are part of a context menu only and not listed in this section.

All Features of the Full Version

  1. A*B
  2. A*BWithDeleteA,B
  3. A+B
  4. A+BWithDeleteA,B
  5. A-B
  6. A-BWithDeleteA
  7. A-BWithDeleteA,B
  8. AExorB
  9. AExorBWithDeleteA,B
  10. About
  11. AboutOpenAccess
  12. AddBiggestInnerCircle
  13. AddComponentLibrary
  14. AddLibrary
  15. AddNetlistLibrary
  16. AddTechnologyLayer
  17. AdjustBackgroundMode
  18. AlignBottomMode
  19. AlignCenterMode
  20. AlignCenterXMode
  21. AlignCenterYMode
  22. AlignLeftMode
  23. AlignRightMode
  24. AlignTopMode
  25. AlignValueMode
  26. AngleCheck
  27. AngleMeasurementMode
  28. Arc-Mode
  29. ArcMode
  30. Arc_
  31. AreaCheck
  32. AreaMeasurement
  33. AttachFile
  34. AutoAdjustBackgroundMode
  35. AutoAdjustRouting
  36. AutoPlacementOfBackgroundImage
  37. AutoRender
  38. AutomaticPlacement
  39. AutomaticRouting
  40. B-A
  41. B-AWithDeleteA,B
  42. B-AWithDeleteB
  43. BackgroundImage
  44. BackgroundImageToFront
  45. BarCode128
  46. BarCode128A
  47. BarCode128B
  48. BarCode128C
  49. BarCode39
  50. BarCode39Mod43
  51. Bezier2ndMode
  52. Bezier3rdMode
  53. BoolOnLayer
  54. BoxDeselect
  55. BoxMode
  56. BoxSelect
  57. BuildConnections
  58. Bundle
  59. Bus
  60. BusMode
  61. BusPort
  62. BusPortMode
  63. CellDeselectMode
  64. CellFlat
  65. CellFlatMultilevel
  66. CellReferenceArrayMode
  67. CellReferenceMode
  68. CellSelectMode
  69. CellUp
  70. Cellname
  71. CenterCurrentBackgroundImage
  72. CenterXMode
  73. CenterXYMode
  74. CenterYMode
  75. ChooseColor
  76. Circle-Mode
  77. CircleFitMode
  78. CircleFromBoxMode
  79. CircleMode
  80. Circle_
  81. ClearBackgroundImage
  82. ClearCurrentBackgroundImage
  83. ClearDRC
  84. ClearViolationList
  85. CloseDesign
  86. ClosedPathToPolygon
  87. ColorSet
  88. CommandLine
  89. CompareCell
  90. ComponentInfo
  91. ConvertToBox
  92. ConvertToCircle
  93. ConvertToLines
  94. ConvertToMesh
  95. ConvertToPath
  96. ConvertToPolygon
  97. CopperPour
  98. CopyBy
  99. CopyCurrentCell
  100. CopyMode
  101. CopyToClipboard
  102. CopyToLayer
  103. CopyToLayout
  104. CreateRegisterLibrary
  105. CropSharpAngles
  106. CropWithSelection
  107. CrossSection
  108. CrossSectionMode
  109. CutMode
  110. Datamatrix
  111. DefaultMode
  112. Delete
  113. DeleteCell
  114. DeleteExtractedDevices
  115. DeleteLayer
  116. DeleteSheet
  117. DeleteText
  118. DeleteZeroWidthPath
  119. DensityCheck
  120. DensityFill
  121. Deposit
  122. DepositReset
  123. DepositSetLevel
  124. DepositToHeight
  125. DeselectAll
  126. DeselectLayer
  127. DimensionCheck
  128. DisplayCells
  129. EditComponent
  130. EditInPlace
  131. EditItem
  132. EditMacro
  133. EditMode
  134. EditNetlist
  135. ElectricalExtraction
  136. ElementSizeMode
  137. Enclosure
  138. Execute
  139. ExecuteMacro
  140. Export3D
  141. ExtractComponent
  142. ExtractComponent(manual)
  143. ExtractCurrentCell
  144. ExtractLayer
  145. ExtractionCapacitance
  146. ExtractionInductance
  147. ExtractionResistor
  148. Extrude
  149. FeatureTemplate
  150. FlatDialog
  151. FormDeselectMode
  152. FormSelectMode
  153. Fracture
  154. GenerateTechnologyMacro
  155. GenerateViewMacro
  156. GotoXY
  157. GridAutomatic
  158. GridAutomaticPlusMinus
  159. GridCoarser
  160. GridFiner
  161. Ground
  162. GroundMode
  163. Group
  164. GroupDialog
  165. GroupGlobal
  166. GroupSimple
  167. GroupStructure
  168. Help
  169. HideAllBackgroundImages
  170. HideBackgroundImage
  171. InaccessibilityCheck
  172. InsertModel
  173. InsertPolygonPointMode
  174. InsertSlots
  175. Inside
  176. InvertSelection
  177. LVS
  178. LabelNode
  179. LabelNodeMode
  180. LayerButtons
  181. LayerCombination
  182. LayerDensity
  183. LayerDeselect
  184. LayerManager
  185. LayerSelect
  186. LayerShortcut
  187. LengthElementMeasurementMode
  188. LengthMeasurementMode
  189. LibraryManager
  190. LicenseRegistration
  191. Line
  192. LineMode
  193. LoadNetlist
  194. LoadOpenAccessNetlist
  195. LoadOpenAccessView
  196. LoadViolationList
  197. MacroDump
  198. MapLayer
  199. Merge
  200. MergeToLayer
  201. Micro-QR-Code
  202. MinimumDistance
  203. MinimumDistanceOrOverlap
  204. MinimumElementsDistance
  205. MinimumNotches
  206. MinimumOverlap
  207. MinimumSize
  208. MirrorMode
  209. ModeTemplate
  210. ModifyCorners
  211. MoveBy
  212. MoveCellDown
  213. MoveCellLeft
  214. MoveCellRight
  215. MoveCellUp
  216. MoveEdgeMode
  217. MoveMode
  218. MovePointMode
  219. MoveToLayer
  220. MoveXMode
  221. MoveYMode
  222. NewCell
  223. NewComponent
  224. NewDrawing
  225. NewSheet
  226. NextDrawing
  227. NoBox
  228. NoCircle
  229. NoElement
  230. NoHoles
  231. NoPath
  232. NoPathesWithSpikes
  233. NoPolygon
  234. NoText
  235. NoZeroWidth
  236. NodeMode
  237. OnGrid
  238. OnlyCircle
  239. OnlyRectangle
  240. OpenFile
  241. OpenFileImportFile
  242. OpenFileImportFileUpdateFile
  243. OpenLayoutWindow
  244. OverlapDistance
  245. OverlappingElements
  246. PCBLayerSetup
  247. PCBTop<->Bottom
  248. PaintDetailsAll
  249. PaintDetailsAuto
  250. PaintDetailsLevel1
  251. PaintDetailsLevel2
  252. PaintDetailsLevel3
  253. PaintDetailsLevel4
  254. PaintDetailsLevel5
  255. PasteFromClipboard
  256. PathDeselect
  257. PathMode
  258. PathSelect
  259. PerimeterCheck
  260. PlaceBackgroundImage
  261. PlaceComponent
  262. PlaceMode
  263. PointDeselectMode
  264. PointMode
  265. PointSelectMode
  266. Polygon-Mode
  267. PolygonArcMode
  268. PolygonDeselect
  269. PolygonMode
  270. PolygonSelect
  271. Polygon_
  272. Port
  273. PortMode
  274. PreviewColor
  275. PreviousCell
  276. Print
  277. ProbeMode
  278. PropertiesMode
  279. PunchWithSelection
  280. QR-Code
  281. Quit
  282. ReadLayerMap
  283. RebuildLibraryNetlist
  284. RectMode
  285. Rectangle
  286. Redo
  287. RelinkCellReferences
  288. RemoveCellArrays
  289. RemoveLibrary
  290. RemoveNetlistLibrary
  291. RemoveNoDRCViolations
  292. RemoveNotOrthogonalReferences
  293. RemoveOverlap
  294. RemoveRotatedCellArrays
  295. RemoveScaledReferences
  296. RemoveSmallEdges
  297. RemoveTechnologyLayer
  298. RenderAll
  299. RenderOff
  300. RenderSelect
  301. RenderView
  302. Rotate
  303. RotateMode
  304. RotateXAxis
  305. RotateYAxis
  306. RotateZAxis
  307. RoundElements
  308. Route45Deg
  309. Route90Deg
  310. RouteFine
  311. RouteMode
  312. RulerMode
  313. Save
  314. Save3DSetup
  315. SaveAs
  316. SaveAsSave
  317. SaveExtractedNetlist
  318. SaveNetlist
  319. SaveViolationList
  320. ScaleMode
  321. SchematicFeatureTemplate
  322. SchematicModeTemplate
  323. SchematicWindow
  324. Screenshot
  325. ScrollDown
  326. ScrollLeft
  327. ScrollRight
  328. ScrollUp
  329. SearchPattern
  330. SectorMode
  331. SelectAll
  332. SelectAllSelectVisibleDeselectAll
  333. SelectCell
  334. SelectCell(graphical)
  335. SelectCell(graphical)CellUp
  336. SelectCell(graphical)Mode
  337. SelectCell(list)
  338. SelectCellByName
  339. SelectComponent
  340. SelectEditMode
  341. SelectLabeledShapes
  342. SelectLayer
  343. SelectStatistic
  344. SelectVisible
  345. Self-Intersection
  346. SeparateHoles
  347. SeparateLayer
  348. SetActiveLayerToA
  349. SetActiveLayerToB
  350. SetAlignBottomMode
  351. SetAlignCenterMode
  352. SetAlignCenterXMode
  353. SetAlignCenterYMode
  354. SetAlignLeftMode
  355. SetAlignRightMode
  356. SetAlignTopMode
  357. SetAlignValueMode
  358. SetAngleMeasurementMode
  359. SetArcMode
  360. SetBackgroundImage
  361. SetBezier2ndMode
  362. SetBezier3rdMode
  363. SetBoxMode
  364. SetCellDeselectMode
  365. SetCellOrigin
  366. SetCellOriginMode
  367. SetCellReferenceArrayMode
  368. SetCellReferenceMode
  369. SetCellSelectDeselectMode
  370. SetCellSelectMode
  371. SetCenterXMode
  372. SetCenterXYMode
  373. SetCenterYMode
  374. SetCircleFitMode
  375. SetCircleFromBoxMode
  376. SetCircleMode
  377. SetColor
  378. SetCopyMode
  379. SetCutMode
  380. SetDRCRegion
  381. SetDRCRegionMode
  382. SetElementSizeMode
  383. SetErrorLayer
  384. SetFormDeselectMode
  385. SetFormSelectDeselectMode
  386. SetFormSelectMode
  387. SetGrid
  388. SetInsertPolygonPointMode
  389. SetLengthElementMode
  390. SetLengthMeasurementMode
  391. SetMirrorMode
  392. SetMoveEdgeMode
  393. SetMoveMode
  394. SetMovePointMode
  395. SetMoveXMode
  396. SetMoveYMode
  397. SetNodeMode
  398. SetPathMode
  399. SetPlaceMode
  400. SetPointDeselectMode
  401. SetPointSelectDeselectMode
  402. SetPointSelectMode
  403. SetPolygonArcMode
  404. SetPolygonMode
  405. SetPropertiesMode
  406. SetRotateMode
  407. SetRouteMode
  408. SetRulerMode
  409. SetScaleMode
  410. SetSectorMode
  411. SetSelectToA
  412. SetSelectToB
  413. SetSheetName
  414. SetSpiralMode
  415. SetTextMode
  416. SetUserunits
  417. SetWorkingLibrary
  418. SetZoomMode
  419. Setup3D
  420. SetupDialog
  421. ShowAllBackgroundImages
  422. ShowBackgroundImage
  423. ShowBackgroundImageInCell
  424. ShowBackgroundImagesInCell
  425. ShowDRCReport
  426. ShowGrid
  427. ShowOpenAccessViewParameter
  428. ShowPlaceConnections
  429. ShowStatistic
  430. SizeLayer
  431. Sizeadjust
  432. SnapCenter
  433. SnapGrid
  434. SnapIntersection
  435. SnapLine
  436. SnapMiddleOfLine
  437. SnapPoint
  438. SnapShapes
  439. Snapping
  440. SpiralMode
  441. StartMacroRecording
  442. StopRecordedMacro
  443. StripEmptyCells
  444. StripIdenticalElements
  445. StripUnneeded
  446. SyncView
  447. TechnologyLayer
  448. TechnologyLayerDown
  449. TechnologyLayerUp
  450. Text-Mode
  451. TextDeselect
  452. TextMode
  453. TextSelect
  454. Text_
  455. ToggleDisplayCellOrigin
  456. ToggleDisplayCellnames
  457. ToggleDisplayCells
  458. ToggleDisplaySurround
  459. ToggleDisplayText
  460. ToggleViolationView
  461. Undo
  462. UpdateCells
  463. UpdateMacros
  464. UseAsComponent
  465. VectorizeImages
  466. What'sThis
  467. WidthDependentDistance
  468. Wire
  469. WireMode
  470. ZoomEins
  471. ZoomFitAll
  472. ZoomFitSelection
  473. ZoomIn
  474. ZoomInOut
  475. ZoomMode
  476. ZoomOut


CategoryFullVersion (last edited 2016-03-02 15:36:02 by JurgenThies)