Release 20130224
Release Date: 24th February 2013
Change Log
- add further extraction methods: bipolar junction transistors (lateral and vertical) and thin film resistors,
- design rule checker: add check for exact shape size,
choose shape from list (e.g. in PropertiesMode ) will only show shapes on visible layers,
- sorting layer control by 3d level,
- LVS: display of additional cells, one grouped message for this warning,
add OpenAccess parametric cell into from the PropertiesMode,
- correct macro recording for minimumEnclosure,
- floor/round function identical to std C++,
- access new toolBar from macros,
add a feature to select labeled shapes only (selectLabeledshapesOnLayer in class cell),
- special copy features like: copyDimension, copyTouching and copyOverlapping,
- oasis: support of storing layer names on layer 1024 and bigger,
- oa: universal plugin for all oa versions
bipolar pnp and npn transitor for the OpenCellLibrary,
resistor for the OpenCellLibrary using the bipolar well,
- no changes,
- possible crash on LVS on designs with more devices than in the schematic,
- LVS on cells created with different versions of the layout editor,
- correct macro recording for minimumEnclosure,
in BoolOnLayer and some design rule checks can result in rounding errors for some designs,
- tcl support for some platforms missing,
Sizeadjust for shapes with edges with less than 10 database units length,
- stripEmptyCell will delete cells with just reference to other empty cells as well,
- windows printing problem,
- macro access to self defined tool bars,
- possible crash on system without 3d support,