Release 20120824
Release Date 24.8.2012
Change Log
support of background images in the printing feature,
QR-Code generation,
MapLayer feature,
- optional autostart macro,
multi threaded boolean merge for a more performent BoolOnLayer and DesignRuleChecker,
DRC: new WidthDependentDistance,
- feature for a simple delete of old drc results,
ModifyCorners works on partial selected shapes,
a design wide DeleteLayer feature,
a design wide DeleteText feature,
a design statistic feature,
SelectLayer and DeselectLayer,
Fracture feature,
LayerManager can import layer settting from InductEx layer files,
- support of new linux distributions like ubuntu 12.04, fedora 17,
- installer for 64-bit windows,
- pylayout support for Mac OS X Lion,
- a feature search with in the help dock window,
PropertiesMode allows to choose the element from a list,
lock button in PropertiesMode for boxes and rectangular polygons to keep size,
improved dialogs in the DesignRuleChecker,
short cut access of submenus via ALT+ first letter,
- starts in free version without asking for a license key,
- paste from clipboard zooms to the pasted shapes,
- an optional tool bar with align features,
- selecting cells to view can handel stacked references,
- update check in the background,
- all measurement feature show results with units,
- setup checking before feature execution for many features,
- choose layer by name from any dialog next to the layer selection by number,
- align feature with nummerical entry of align position,
BoolOnLayer with option to delete destination layer,
- end mode from all available modes by mouse,
- free hand draw with the path mode,
- selected shapes on hidden layers are displayed grey,
- update of Japanese and German translated user interfaces,
- add debug features,
- support of floating point numbers notated like 1.0E+99 (1.0E99 works before),
- a optional autostart macro,
- accessing NULL pointer objects in a macro results in an error message,
ExecuteMacro while a macro is runnung allows to abort a macro,
add set method in the stringList class,
- support of absolute file names for includes statements and calling external tools,
add feature SeparateLayer and ExtractLayer to the macro interface,
- callback macros are also search in a callback folder path,
- correct codec reading for included files,
- access to components class,
- export and import of 3d models from/to the 3d view,
GDSII: export splits large polygon in a more efficient way, splitting problem is fixed, option to store enabled layers only, option to store pathes as polygons, fix some problems with non standard GDS files,
DXF: import/export of layer colors, support of DIMENSIONS and POINT sections, asymetric scaled INSERT,
Bundle: also save background images and its placement,
MacroDump added to store shapes as a LayoutEditor macro,
OASIS: option to store enabled layer only,
OpenAccess reads width of oaPathSeg,
Electromask: export option,
- component editor can import from eagle library files,
- extension in the netlist generation,
- snapping for ports and bus ports,
- close design feature,
extension of the ParametricShapeLibrary,
- search and replace feature,
syntax highligh for CIF file format,
- bool operation with delete shapes, if a single shape is used twice,
add missing ; in GenerateTechnologyMacro,
access of submenus via ALT key,
- cut feature validates result,
MinimumDistanceOrOverlap problem with selected shapes,
- correct display of shortcuts on tool button after changing it,
problems with What's this Help from menus,
- find top cell in desings without hierarchie,
ElementSizeMode for zero width pathes,
- DRC notches next to connection line to inner holes,
- DRC mindisOrOverlap, shapes inside concave corner were detected as errors,
- templates correct port imformation from symbols in the component editor of the schematic,
- changing parameter type in component editor,
BoolOnLayer with zero width pathes,